Customer Testimonials

We have been very happy with izmo both in terms of their responsiveness and their results. Since we have been using izmo’s services we have seen an increase in bookings at our locations, as well as a significant time savings from not having to manage the Google and Social Media advertising ourselves.
I would highly recommend izmo and their services to help your business expand your locations page. The quality of the websites they create are top notch, and again they are very open to working with our very specific needs and have been willing to go above and beyond to ensure we have the exact technology that we need to drive more business to our locations.

Sarah Towne
Franchise 5 Group

We have been extremely happy with the results Izmoleads has provided.  They deliver high quality qualified leads at a price that is cost effective.  The ads they developed for our brand get results.  You can’t beat the value they provide.

Scott Mason
Director of Operations
Straw Hat Restaurants, Inc.




I have had a fantastic experience working with izmoLeads. The contact information in their leads is always accurate, so our connect rates are much higher than with other leads. A lot of the leads make it into our pipeline. They provide great value.

Ron Berger
Chairman and CEO
Figaro’s Italian Pizza and Pizza Schmizza Pub and Grub